Temporal Imaging of Live Cells by High-Speed Confocal Raman Microscopy

Jeon Woong Kang, Freddy T. Nguyen, Niyom Lue. Materials 2021-07-03. Full Text
Label-free live cell imaging was performed using a custom-built high-speed confocal Raman microscopy system. For various cell types, cell-intrinsic Raman bands were monitored. The high-resolution temporal Raman images clearly delineated the intracellular distribution of biologically important molecules such as protein, lipid, and DNA. Furthermore, optical phase delay measured using quantitative phase microscopy shows similarity with the image reconstructed from the protein Raman peak. This reported work demonstrates that Raman imaging is a powerful label-free technique for studying various biomedical problems in vitro with minimal sample preparation and external perturbation to the cellular system.

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